Monday, April 30, 2012

What's going on in the garden....

My tomato plants are looking rather healthy.  I was able to use my own compost this year and I'm hoping that made a difference.  I'm hoping for a good crop, especially the cherry tomatoes.  I'm not looking to can any, but just to enjoy some throughout the summer months.  There is nothing like a fresh tomato  right off the vine.   

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cards made from my pictures...

These were pictures that I've taken this past fall and previous falls of my own and neighbors sunflowers.  

These are all pictures I took this year of the pair of nesting bluebirds in my back yard.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Card Making....

Made some cards from the beautiful pictures that I took last week of my friends roses.  I'm thinking this would be a great Mother's Day gift.   

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tragedy for the bluebirds.....

Tragedy for my bluebird friends today.  Just a few more days before the babies were due to leave their nest and an intruder came into the birdhouse.  I know it's part of nature, but still very upsetting.  I had a hard time watching the mommy and daddy bird come by time and time again to have a look inside their birdhouse to witness the sadness.... ):

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bluebirds enjoying the birdbath....

This birdbath is right in front of my house and while I was sitting on my front steps reading yesterday, both the female and male kept swooping down from a tree to take baths.  I was able to get inside to grab my camera and get these shots. 

Monday, April 2, 2012