Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Mockingbird

As I was jogging this morning, I heard a Mockingbird singing.   Its beautiful song consisted of all the wonderful bird calls that it had stolen.  This reminded me of a Mockingbird that I heard last year while I was out jogging.   I'm not sure where this one had stolen all its bird calls.  It must have spent some time near a train station because the bird calls were very loud and squeaky.  I didn't recognize any of the bird calls but maybe two.  Just the same, it went on singing its song proudly.  It brought a smile to my face.  I then chuckled because it was very early in the morning and it was sitting right outside of someone's window in a tree.  It seems like I had jogged on about a mile, and I could still hear it singing.  I would love to be in their world for a day and watch as they pick up a new call....  how exciting it must be to keep adding on new ones.        

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